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23 May 2022
Wider justice system

Dawn Gibbons, the Deputy Chair of our Black, Asian and minority ethnic network, reports on participating in a Schools Question Time event co-convened by the Judicial Office and Young Citizens on 9 May 2022.

As a part of the Lord Chief Justice’s ongoing schools initiative, I participated in a Schools’ Question Time. The event was co-convened by the Judicial Office and Young Citizens – the largest charity involved in public legal education in the UK. At these events, judges, magistrates and legal representatives educate young people about the justice system in England and Wales.

In my second time representing and promoting the magistracy at a Schools’ Question Time, it was a delight to take part in person. My first appearance on Schools Question Time took place virtually due to Covid-19 restrictions, so it was a joy to be able to meet the students in person in such the grand setting of the Royal Courts of Justice. I’m fascinated by 19th and 20th century world history, so attending one of the highest civil courts in the UK (opened by Queen Victoria in 1882) was an absolute honour!

To celebrate 100 years since the first woman was called to the bar in England, this year’s panel was comprised solely of women. I was extremely proud to sit alongside The Rt Hon Lady Justice Simler DBE (a judge of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales), Caroline Jepson (President of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives) and Lynette Wieland (an Associate at Browne Jacobson).

Together, we fielded questions from students from Lister School, Twickenham School, St Michaels College and Westminster City School on topics ranging from working/volunteering as a woman in a male-dominated field to dealing with prejudices relating to race, gender, and/or disability. I used this opportunity to talk about the obstacles I’ve encountered as a Black woman living with a disability, and how hard the Magistrates’ Association works to overcome these via our diversity and inclusion networks. I also shared my late father’s motto, which I have lived by since his passing when I was 16, with the students: “You can be anything you want to be”.

Interacting with these passionate young people was so wonderful and inspiring. I’m really happy to have been able to help them gain a better understanding of what it is like being a magistrate.