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5 July 2022
Wider justice system

The Magistrates' Association was saddened to hear of the death of John Taylor JP (Coventry and Warwickshire branch) last month, after a period of ill health. In recognition of the effort, drive and passion that John put into his branch, the MA has decided to dedicate the branch executive award to his memory.

The Magistrates’ Association was saddened to hear of the death of John Taylor JP (Coventry and Warwickshire branch) last month, after a period of ill health. In recognition of the effort, drive and passion that John put into his branch, the MA has decided to dedicate the branch executive award to his memory.

John was key in reinvigorating and driving forward the Coventry and Warwickshire branch. His passion for Magistrates in the Community was evident and he dedicated a lot of time and effort towards this. John’s friendly and personable nature helped pull together a new branch executive, and he took on a number of roles as and when they were needed and kept momentum for the branch going. His colleagues have described him as “inspirational” and “motivating”, and his dedication created a community within his branch to be proud of.

John’s funeral took place last month, and many members of the magistracy and our chief executive, Tom Franklin, attended. It was a befitting goodbye for John, and he will be sorely missed by his friends and colleagues at the MA.

The MA awards will take place on 15 October this year, alongside our annual conference and AGM. In recognition of the effort, drive and passion that John put into his branch, we will be dedicating the branch executive of the year award to his memory.

Tribute to John
By Lisa Whitehead, the MA’s head of membership, branch development and events

“I was saddened to hear about the death of John Taylor JP. I thoroughly enjoyed working with John whenever our paths crossed. His passion and drive for the Coventry and Warwickshire branch shone through and he pulled the branch through a difficult time to create a community to be proud of. He dealt with challenges with good humour and diplomacy. The impact that he had on the projects that he was involved in was huge, and it is immensely sad that he is no longer with us. My thoughts are with his loved ones, and with those who worked with him in the Coventry and Warwickshire branch; I know that his passing will leave a huge hole in their lives and team.”