As well as highlighting concerning staff shortages and delays in reporting, it acknowledges examples of good practice and forthcoming opportunities for the service.
Last month, the MA submitted evidence to the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee’s investigation into probation in London. The inquiry seeks to understand how the service is functioning one year on from reunification.
The MA’s response used input from some of its London members, as well as data from published reports, and makes the following broad points:
- It is difficult to assess the impact of reunification due to Covid-19 and the limited data magistrates receive on offender outcomes. Nonetheless, pockets of good practice exist.
- Reunification offers many opportunities for London, but evidence indicates that significant problems persist.
- There are major issues around staff shortages. For example, high staff turnover is impacting the rehabilitative offer available to defendants.
- The quality and timeliness of probation reports varies dramatically. Delays and instances of misapplication of sentencing guidelines are not infrequent.
- The new system should prioritise increasing sentencers’ confidence in Rehabilitation Activity Requirements.
The MA will keep abreast of the progress of the investigation.