From 1 September 2020, magistrates’ court lists in England and Wales have been published online for the first time, making them easier to access for both legal professionals and the public. The listings are available to view on Courtserve in a change that aims to improve transparency and support open justice. By enabling the public to find out where, when and how magistrates’ court cases are taking place, magistrates’ courts are being brought into line with other jurisdictions.
The online lists contain the same information at the lists currently displayed in court buildings, including:
- The defendant’s full name
- Who brought the prosecution
- The courtroom
- The time listed
- The case number
The lists will continue to be displayed in court buildings, and courts will continue to provide court lists to court professionals and to the media.
The online lists can be accessed for free on Courtserve. New users will be required to register. Lists are published at the end of each day for the subsequent day and will remain available for one day. Lists for Monday (and Saturday where applicable) are published on Fridays.
Due to sensitivity, cases involving children are not published. Overnight custody cases are also unable to be published. However, the public can contact the court directly for more information pertaining to youth cases or overnight cases, or if they have any questions about any of the listed cases. The relevant court will also be able to advise whether reporting restrictions are in place.