Branch commitments and expectations 2024
This document details the support that branches can expect from head office, and the expectations of branches.
- Volunteer only
Member support line
Staffed by experienced MA members, our support line can provide a listening ear and signpost you to other services.
Subscription increase 2024
Become a member
As a member of the Magistrates' Association, you’ll get access to a wealth of benefits to help you be the best magistrate you can be.
Terms & Conditions – Ordinary Members
Terms & Conditions – Associate Members
Looking back on a year in post
Tom Franklin took up the role of the CEO of the Magistrates' Association at the end of May 2021. As he approaches his first anniversary in post, he reflects on the last 12 months and shares what's on the horizon for the year ahead.
- Wider justice system
Get support
We provide peer support when being a magistrate feels tough.
Four tips for engaging our retired members
We've compiled four pointers to assist our branch volunteers in engaging our members who have retired from the magistracy.
- Practicalities of being a magistrate
- Volunteer only
Five tips for ensuring you’re catering to members’ needs and interests
We've compiled five pointers and a case study from our North and East Devon branch to help our branch volunteers continue delivering member-driven activities.
- Practicalities of being a magistrate
- Volunteer only
Magistrates’ Association council meets to discuss growth plans and open justice
At the beginning of May, the MA's council met in London to review our plans to improve the member offer and grow membership over the next few years. It also discussed the theme of this year's annual conference: open justice and transparency in magistrates' courts.
- Practicalities of being a magistrate
- Volunteer only
- Wider justice system
Our board of trustees
Elected by MA members, our board of trustees is responsible for the governance of the organisation.
The Magistrates’ Association meets its branches: autumn 2022
This month we kicked off a new series of regional meetings to find out more about the issues that are on our branch executives' minds and to answer their burning questions. We also held our biannual council meeting, where we discussed our offer to retired members and family magistrates, and the proposed abolition of local justice areas.
- Practicalities of being a magistrate
- Volunteer only
- Wider justice system
Six tips for recruiting new members
We have compiled six tips to support our branch volunteers in recruiting new members.
- Practicalities of being a magistrate
- Volunteer only
Looking back on two years as your national chair
Mark Beattie took up the role of the national chair of the Magistrates' Association on 15 October 2022. In this blog, he reflects on the last two years under his leadership and shares what is on the horizon for the year ahead.
- Practicalities of being a magistrate
- Wider justice system
Tips for magistrates to support their mental wellbeing
To mark Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May 2024), one of our deputy national chairs, Jacqui MacDonald-Davis, shares her thoughts about how magistrates can look after their mental wellbeing.
- Practicalities of being a magistrate
Support for family magistrates
Sara Pye, Deputy Chair of our family court committee, updates on the committee's efforts to ensure that family magistrates receive the support they need when dealing with distressing cases.
- Family court matters
Magistrates’ Association speaks up for members: February 2024
A round-up of our recent policy and advocacy work.
- Diversity, disparity and inclusion
- Wider justice system
Three MA members awarded in New Year Honours
Our members were recognised for their services to the administration of justice as magistrates.
- Practicalities of being a magistrate
- Wider justice system