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Our governance

We were granted a Royal Charter in 1962. Our charter, bylaws and standing orders set out our objectives, constitution and how we should be governed.

We are proud to have been granted a Royal Charter in 1962. This sets out our objectives, which are to promote the sound administration of the law including, but not restricted to, educating and instructing magistrates and others in the law, the administration of justice, the treatment of offenders and the prevention of crime.

The accompanying bylaws and standing orders specify how we should be governed.

Our charter and bylaws can only be changed with the authority of the Privy Council following approval at an annual general meeting.

Governing documents and policies

The following documents set out our objectives, governance structures and processes, and key policies.

Our guidelines for working with external partners

Annual reviews

We submit annual returns, accounts and trustee reports to the Charity Commission for England and Wales. These annual reviews update on our work and finances.