What would you like to contact us about?
If you would like to participate in our community outreach initiative, either as a presenter or as a host school or community group, please email MIC@magistrates-association.org.uk.
If you have a query about or would like to suggest content for Magistrate magazine, please email editor@magistrates-association.org.uk.
If you would like to join the MA, renew or cancel your membership, or if you have any other questions about events, our branches or your membership please email membership@magistrates-association.org.uk.
If you would like to contact us for comment on news stories relevant to the work of magistrates in criminal and civil matters, the MA, or criminal justice in general please email media@magistrates-association.org.uk or call 020 7255 9003.
If you have any other queries please email info@magistrates-association.org.uk or call us on 020 7387 2353.
Our wheelchair accessible office is located at 10A Flagstaff House, St George Wharf, London, SW8 2LE.