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Our staff

Our national office is led by our senior management team, which sets and oversees the delivery of organisational plans and provides leadership for our small, but very focused, staff team.

Meet our team

Tom Franklin

Tom Franklin

Chief Executive

Ray Ayivor

Ray Ayivor

Director of Finance and Resources

Neil Cox

Neil Cox

Head of Marketing and Communications

Lisa Whitehead

Lisa Whitehead

Head of Membership, Events and Branches

Samira Ali

Samira Ali

Policy and Research Officer

Adam Chaddock

Adam Chaddock

Policy and Research Officer

Ceren Gunel

Ceren Gunel

Media and Communications Officer

Janet Lallysmith

Janet Lallysmith

Training, Learning and Development Officer

Maria Moore

Maria Moore

Editor and Content Manager

Célestine Woodham

Célestine Woodham

Membership and Events Officer