What does the training, learning and development committee do?
The committee helps shape national policy and practice around magistrates’ training. We work in partnership with the Judicial College to produce learning materials, and committee members help the College develop its core training offer. The committee also supports the relationships between local TAAACs and branches, and oversees Magistrates in the Community, our community outreach programme.
Current priorities
The committee is working to:
- develop a learning resource to support the Guide to Judicial Conduct
- develop further bite-sized learning funded by the Judicial College
- advocate for members via the Judicial College training sub-committee
- improve the reach of, and materials for, Magistrates in the Community
Appointment to the committee
Vacancies on the committee are advertised in the summer each year. Appointment is based on merit and ensuring that membership is balanced across England and Wales and jurisdictions. The Chair makes recommendations for appointment to the MA policy board, who have final approval of appointments to committees.
Committee members
- Chair: Daniel Brennan JP, Nottinghamshire
- Deputy Chair: Stephen Jenkins JP, West Glamorgan
- Deputy Chair: Ben Paolozzi JP, West Yorkshire
- Kate Bayley, North West Wales
- Malcolm Hogarth JP, Suffolk
- Jacqui MacDonald-Davis, Central and North London
- Rachel Medcalf JP, Greater Manchester
- Beverley Payne JP, Wiltshire
- Alaric Pritchard JP, North Northumbria
- Adrian Roberts-Walsh JP, Gwent
- The MA’s national chair and deputy chairs
More information
If you have any queries regarding this committee, please contact Janet Lallysmith, Training, Learning and Development Officer.