61st Annual General Meeting
at Birmingham Conference and Events Centre - 25 November 2023
Welcome, and minutes of the 60th annual general meeting
Presentation of the annual report of the board of trustees for 2022-23
Presentation of the financial statement and the auditor’s report for the year ending 30 June 2023
Appointment of auditors. In accordance with bye-law 30, Price Bailey LLP, Statutory Auditor, Dashwood House, 69 Old Broad Street, London, EC2M 1QS are nominated by the board of trustees as auditors for a further period from the close of this AGM until the conclusion of next year’s AGM
Proposals and motions
Motion 1 – Proposed by Richard Goodacre, North and West Yorkshire MA, and seconded by David Ford, Mid and South Glamorgan MA
The Magistrates’ Association notes the overall reduction in youth court work and the difficulties this poses for maintaining magistrate competence. We believe the specialised nature and purpose of the youth court must be retained to ensure the welfare of the child and the prevention of re-offending remains at the heart of the youth justice system. The Magistrates’ Association therefore calls for a considered and in-depth review of youth courts, involving youth court magistrates, to ensure youth courts are not lost to the judicial system.
Motion 2 – Proposed by Roger King, Middlesex MA, and seconded by Val Castell, Bristol and North Avon MA
The Magistrates’ Association requests that the government launches a public information campaign to educate the public on the laws regarding the illegality of e-scooters on most roads and pavements.
6. Any other business
- Motions and amendments: Any motions to be debated will be placed on the MA’s website prior to the AGM. It is requested that notice of any amendments to be moved, with the name of the proposer and seconder, be received by the chief executive of the MA not later than 23 November 2023.
- Financial Statements and Annual Report: Under Bye-law 8, copies of both the Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report for the year ended 30 June 2023 and the Annual Report and (Abbreviated) Accounts of the Board of Trustees for 2022-23 will be placed on the MA’s website prior to the AGM. Any member requiring to be sent a copy of either of these documents by post should contact the chief executive of the MA no less than one week prior to the AGM. Any detailed questions about the Financial Statements should be in writing and should be received by the chief executive no later than 23 November 2023.
- Timetable: The chair reserves the right, if necessary, to change the order of the agenda or to adjourn the discussion of any motions. Any items for raising under Any Other Business should be notified to the Chief Executive no later than 18 November 2023.
- Time limits: Proposers of motions will each be allowed to speak for up to a maximum of four minutes. Proposers of amendments, all seconders and speakers will each be permitted to speak for up to two minutes.