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Diversity and inclusion committee

This committee drives policy and research on issues of diversity and inclusion.

What does the diversity and inclusion committee do?

The committee brings together representatives from the MA’s four diversity and inclusion networks. It sits alongside and will work with our four existing committees (adult court committee, family court committee, training committee and youth court committee) to place diversity and inclusion at the heart of all MA policy.

All our policy committees are made up of experienced magistrates who guide policy research, development, and implementation in their specialist areas. They work in partnership with the MA staff team to influence on behalf of our members.


The committee’s current priorities include:

  • improving the quality of the information available on the diversity of the magistracy – both existing magistrates, and the recruitment of new magistrates
  • highlighting the issues that magistrates from under-represented groups face – including poor accessibility for disabled magistrates, unconscious bias within the judiciary and courts system, and difficulties faced by employed magistrates in getting time off for magistrate duties
  • undertaking a survey of members of the MA’s four diversity and inclusion networks during 2025, to better understand the needs of our members and focus our future priorities
  • holding a face-to-face meeting for members of the Black, Asian and minority ethnic network during 2025.

Committee members

The committee comprises eight MA members from across England and Wales who were elected by members of our four diversity and inclusion networks, plus the MA’s national chair and deputy chairs. They bring a variety of skills and experiences, from their careers, magisterial role, and personal lives that will meaningfully inform the work of the committee.

  • Chair: Nicky Holland JP, Gwent
  • Deputy Chair: Maz Edwards JP, Avon and Somerset
  • Deputy Chair: Haris Ifraz JP, Greater Manchester
  • Charlotte Fordyce JP, Northampton
  • Dawn Gibbons JP, South West London
  • Michael Hassell JP, Surrey
  • David Rose JP, Essex
  • Sarah Sawyerr JP, South East London

Nicky and David represent the magistrates with disabilities network; Maz and Michael represent the LGBT+ network; Haris and Charlotte the young magistrates network; and Dawn and Sarah the Black, Asian and minority ethnic network.

The committee meets three times a year.